domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

Go ahead, dude!

old painting i found lately. i took a photo of it some years ago. the original is lost. it was 1mx0,5m or so. i made it when i was at school (17years old). i remember that teacher Ines told me "and where are his ears??" and painter Jose Luis "i wouldnt hang that on my wall"... well, i wouldnt hang it either. i think this is the only work i have from those years, and i only have it on a photo, the original must be broken and in the trash for sure. maybe its better. in my memory, all those drawings and paintings had something good. so, if i dont see them anymore, i will always believe that i lost something valuable =)

1 comentario:

  1. This is a really really scary drawing. I sure wouldn't want it hanging on my wall (or even up on my computer screen for too long), but I really like it. Great colors in all the gray swirls, and scary scary figure.
